really really not comfortable

i dont know why, but lately i feel tired and not comfortable. ..

i like working, but dont know why, lately feeling so tired and cannot think clearly at work. maybe because,  knowing that someone…spend hours facebook-ing, browsing and not working …

should i jealous to that person ? probably not, because every action has its own risk ….

so.., i have to start enjoying my job like i used to ., and not paying attention to others’ behaviour

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lets talk about leadership. i learned a lot from leaders that i know.

A good leader is when some people talking about you, behind you and saying that you are a good leader.

if someone talking about you in front of you that you are a good leader, then you are not a good leader.

i come out with some characteristics about a good leader means:

1. a leader is someone that willing to say i’m sorry whenever he/she make mistakes, and not blame their subordinates for mistakes that he/she done. really appreciate that kind of leader.

2. a leader is someone that have courage to face difficulty and threats . he/she will take over anything that should be faced by him, even though it is a difficult decision. for example, a good leader will talk to his/her subordinates if his/her subordinates done something wrong by himself / herself. not asking other people to do that talking.

3. a leader is someone that come out with a solution not questions.  someone that answer question with question is not a leader, i will assume someone that answer question with question is someone that doesn’t know what the answer is.

4. a leader is someone that make decision, and the decision will be accepted by the subordinates willingly, not by forcing using higher authority. someone that using other people’s authority to force his/her subordinate to follow his/her decision is a coward.

5. a leader is someone calm in every situation and able to make decision in hardtime.

6. a leader is someone that will be happy when his/her subordinates happy, and sad when they are sad.

after all, a leader is a superman …but with clothes on, in manner and wisdom.

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my new pink lenovo s10

just got my new lenovo. i bought it at exhibition in jcc.

i bought it on friday, well at least i got rp.350.000 cheaper compared to the day before. it small and nice shape. the battery is awesome, about 3.5 hours – 4 hours. the wifi also fine.

well, when i bought it, lenovo only has windows xp…and no microsoft office..

with 1.3 mega pixel, its enough for chatting. and also the speaker sound is very clear.  the reason i bought it ? just because it is pink and 6 cell batteries…no more …

the one that make me not comfortable is position of the fn and ctrl key is different from the regular keyboard… conclusion, i like this netbook …

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everything about audit

banyak orang yang sering kali berfikir bahwa audit adalah saatnya mencari cari kesalahan orang lain ataupun unit lain.

Sebenarnya, audit adalah sebuah alat untuk membantu sebuah organisasi untuk memperbaiki dan menyempurnakan sistem yang ada. 

Pertanyaan yang sering saya dapatkan mengenai audit adalah, kapankah sebuah ketidaksesuaian (finding) dikenakan observasi, minor ataupun major ?

Penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut, jika tidak melakukan satu atau dua langkah dalam prosedur , dan tidak mengakibatkan hal yang fatal, maka dikenakan minor. Tetapi jika sebagian besar dari prosedur tersebut tidak dilakukan maka dikenakan major, ataupun jika sesuatu dilakukan dan mengakibatkan kerugian pada pelanggan maka dapat dikatakan major.  sedangkan observasi adalah keadaan dimana jika tidak dilakukan perbaikan akan menimbulkan sebuah ketidaksesuaian.

tetapi tidak dapat berpatokan mutlak kepada hal – hal yang saya sampaikan diatas, dikarenakan jika ada alasan mengenai ketidaksesuaian tersebut , maka kategori finding dapat diturunkan ataupun ditiadakan. tetapi tetap tindakan perbaikan dan pencegahan akan diperlukan.

Pada saat – saat awal menjadi auditor ataupun auditee, akan sangat sulit menentukan kategori suatu temuan. oleh karena itu perlu membaca atau memahami temuan temuan sebelumnya dari auditor – auditor yang berbeda.

Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut seputar audit, silahkan tanyakan…

Posted in Quality Management | 1 Comment

Pertanyaan Seputar Dokumentasi ISO

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan yang biasa ditanyakan mengenai dokumentasi ISO. List ini akan saya update jika ada pertanyaan tambahan.

1. Apa perbedaan prosedur dengan instruksi kerja

Prosedur dibuat berdasarkan proses. Ada dua jenis Prosedur yang dibuat yaitu prosedur yang menyangkut proses di satu unit dan yang kedua prosedur lintas unit. Sedangkan Instruksi Kerja dibuat, jika ada satu kegiatan di dalam prosedur yang perlu dijabarkan lebih dalam.

Sebagai Contoh : didalam prosedur Perawatan Peralatan, didalamnya terdapat satu kegiatan yaitu, sebulan sekali melakukan perawatan terhadap genset. Bagaimana cara merawat Genset tersebut dibuatlah satu instruksi kerja yaitu instruksi kerja perawatan genset. 

2. Apakah segala sesuatu harus dibuat prosedur ?

Didalam ISO 9001 hanya ada 6 prosedur utama yang harus dibuat. Sedangkan proses yang lain dibuat jika ada kemungkinan kesalahan pengerjaan suatu proses jika tidak dituliskan secara terdokumentasi.

3. Apa Perbedaan Controlled Copy dengan Uncontrolled Copy

Controlled copy artinya adalah dokumen terkendali. Dimana berarti, jika ada perubahan terhadap dokumen tersebut, maka unit / pihak yang mengeluarkan dokumen tersebut wajib untuk menarik dokumen yang telah kadaluarsa dan memberikan dokumen versi terbaru. Sedangkan Uncontolled Copy berarti dokumen tersebut tidak akan dikendalikan oleh unit yang mengeluarkan. dalam arti, jika ada perubahan terdapat dokumen tersebut, maka pihak yang mengeluarkan dokumen tersebut tidak akan menginformasikan perubahan tersebut.

4. Siapa saja yang berhak menandatangani prosedur, instruksi kerja, dan dokumen lainnya.

silahkan mengacu pada daftar persetujuan personil yang ada di organisasi masing – masing


Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi saya di ym :


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the story of my love

the story of my love

Should I choose not to love you?

I rather choose to hate myself

You are my life ….

If I choose to let you go

That means I choose to let go my life

I choose not to give you all things

But I choose to give you the best thing in my life

Because you are my best dream comes true

Many nice things happened to me, but you are the best thing that happen in my life that can erase all the bad things in my life

One thing I know for sure . . . .

No matter how hard is my life

You always give me strength to conquer the storms

You always give me smile to brighten my cloudy day

You always give me laugh to cheer up my life

I like the way you smile

I like the way you laugh

Like you said…you love me for just what I am …

And I do so…

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Manual Pembuatan Prosedur

Manual Pembuatan Prosedur


  1. Definisi :
    1. Dokumen yang menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah proses dikerjakan. Dapat melibatkan unit lain, atau hanya unit itu sendiri
  2. Dokumen yang dapat berupa Prosedur, antara lain :
    1. Prosedur Evaluasi Penawaran / Kontrak
    2. Prosedur Pengendalian dan Verifikasi Desain
    3. Prosedur Pengendalian Dokumen dan Data
    4. Prosedur Audit Mutu Internal
    5. Prosedur Rapat Tinjauan Manajemen
    6. Prosedur Pembelian dan Evaluasi Sub-Kontraktor
    7. Prosedur Verifikasi, Penyimpanan dan Pemeliharaan Produk yang dipasok pelanggan
    8. Prosedur Identifikasi Produk
    9. Prosedur Inspeksi dan Test
    10. Prosedur Kalibrasi dan Pemeliharaan peralatan / perlengkapan
    11. Prosedur Pengendalian Produk yang tidak sesuai
    12. Prosedur Pencegahan dan Perbaikan
    13. Prosedur Penerapan dan Pengendalian Teknik Statistik
    14. dll
  3. Isi Prosedur
    1. Header : terdiri dari judul prosedur, tanggal revisi, tanggal berlaku dan kode dokumen. Untuk dokumen dengan revisi 0, maka tanggal revisi dikosongkan.
    2. Detail Prosedur :
    • Detail Proses : berisi langkah – langkah yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan proses tersebut
    • Pelaporan / Pengarsipan : Setiap prosedur ditutup dengan pelaporan atau pengarsipan berkas
    • Kolom Pengesahan : Diisi sesuai dengan tabel persetujuan personil

    c. Footer :terdiri dari versi, revisi dan halaman

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the time we said good bye

i still remember the first time we met,

i still remember the first time we kiss,

i still remember the first time you hug me,

but the wind tell me that ….

we are not belong to each other,

should i believe the wind ?

but the sun tell me …

that we cant be together…

should i believe the sun ?

but the cloud also tell me…

that we have so many differences…

should i believe the cloud

but the birds also tell me ..

that they have been to many places…

and our love will not survive …

and now..i dont trust my self..should i love you ?

i cant forget the memories we have…

i cant forget the moments we share …

i can forget the way you love me..

but maybe..i should ask the time…

hope that…when the time answer, we still have that love…

i dont want to say good bye…,

but i know …you wont be back…

should i tell the time to bring you back ?

i dont know anymore…

should i cry…i just cant cry hard enough to bring you back…

even the sky wont help me…

wishing you with every beat of my heart…that we will meet again

and i still waiting for you…here…with my heart

wishing to the stars …

that we see the same stars…and we have the same wishes

the thousands candles that i lighted up for you…

will bring my wish that you will be back..

that we will fly together …with the wings of love..

telling the star that our love will survive..

share our love with the wind …

so they will know that …the love we not to be broken

Posted in Songs for the Lost Souls | 1 Comment

My Darling, you are my everything

my darling, you are my everything

i will say it thousands time more,

until you know that i love you..

you are my soul,

you are my dream,

you are my life,

you are my heart,

you are my everything..

you are my rainbow..

you are my stars

you are the reason i smile

you are the reason i walk

you are the reason i breath

so, darling, you are my everything.

hope you know that..

and forgive me…

for taking  millions time to realize

that i love you deeply..

if its too late..

i want you to remember that

as the stars shining so brightly…

so does my love for you..forever

Posted in Songs for the Lost Souls | 1 Comment

rainbow cloud

whenever i look at the cloud, i wish that i could find the rainbow key in that white smilling cloud.

i want to open the door of rainbow cloud, so i can release all my rainbow memories about you.

jumping from one cloud to another cloud racing to the rainbow cloud.

but i cant find the rainbow cloud now, i have no direction, all the cloud are white…

i wait and wait , for the rain to come, so he can tell the white cloud to let go the rainbow cloud…

rain already tried hard, but has no answer , cause the rainbow cloud already taken by the sky…to make the rainbow sky …

now..i wish to the he can let me see the rainbow sky when there is rain

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